好像 日耳曼敦 学院四分卫泽维尔·斯登对对手来说还不够有挑战性, the 6-foot-6 junior with the rocket right arm added another element to his arsenal. Stearn, 谁去年创造了两项学校记录, finished with five touchdown passes in a 49-26 victory against Father Judge on Sept. 6.
在十大体育外围平台排名, 学生面临挑战, 支持, and engaged in a multitude of ways that lead to a transformational learning experience. They graduate as individuals who are capable of achieving far more than they had ever imagined.
祝贺你! Zora Meddahi-Larbi, 中学 French teacher has achieved success in creating a language app. 它的建立是为了教授今天的年轻人几百年来的古老语言——塔克巴利特语. 她和她的组织Twizi-USA自2019年以来一直在合作开发它. 在之前2022年为Today@GA写的一篇文章中, Meddahi-Larbi分享说,她与世界各地的人们一起工作. They worked tirelessly so that the Berber language and culture could be preserved.
FORT WASHINGTON -- 十大体育外围平台排名 Director of 体育运动 Tim Ginter has named Colleen Dawson as the new Head Coach of Varsity Girls Lacrosse and Director of Lacrosse. Dawson will also help supervise student-athlete workouts in the new Jordan Center.
Family STEAM Night was a student-led event where community members learned about and participated in a variety of activities that connect Science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. The curriculum and technologies that are explored within the TinkerLab of the 较低的学校 at GA were highlighted primarily, but it was also an opportunity to collaborate and show the vertical integration of programming across the Middle and Upper grades.
Senior Gertie Lafferty '24 writes about how the annual Senior Retreat helped her and fellow classmates think about the future.
Sarah Na最近在家长委员会会议上主持了一个关于身份认同的研讨会, and then oversaw a similar activity in the 上学校 where student leaders peer-facilitated discussions. 她回答了有关活动的问题- Step In, 《体育外围app网站》——以及为什么她觉得这本书很有影响力和重要.
前科技内幕人士和社交媒体策略师 马克斯Stossel to spoke to students and families about the ways that social media impacts our minds, 的身体, 和心脏.